On 27-12-22 The members of Paribesh Suraksha Abhijan went to the village Telengapentha of Urali grampanchayat, Cuttack for saplings distribution and awareness program. Dr Pradeep Kumar Rath, Sri Raghunath Prusty, Dr Kalyani Mohanty, and Dr Narayan Tripathi conducted the awareness program for the 42 SHG ladies assembled in the hall. Smt Kavita Das, Social Activist and ex Sarpanch, co-ordinated the program.It was told about the alarming situation of the environment due to climate change and Global warming. It's these ladies who are the key persons in our mission. They will be our environment soldiers who should carry forward our objective in protecting the environment. It was advised to plant trees in their houses in birthdays of their family members. They should also practise to economically use the fresh water and request their spouses not to use single use plastic in their daily purchase to see how best their active participation can make change in the environment. It was hoped that it can infect others to contribute for the cause. Another social activist of the area Sri Narahari Behera as well as plant lover also inspired the ladies to protect the environment. We gave the slogan:- #Nari_Hele_Sachetana, #Paribesh_Heba_Paribartana. We distributed 42 mango and Guava saplings to the assembled ladies who assured us to plant in their houses. Smt Kabita Das gave a vote of thanks and assured us to send the photos of the plants from time to time. We all paid our sincere tribute to our nation's father and took an oath to protect the environment from its deterioration. The event was covered in the odia dailies Sakal and Pragativadi.